Doc blocks for design system documentation

Doc blocks for design system documentation

Document design systems with three components from Storybook Doc Blocks

If you document design systems, I’m about to save you a ton of time. Because Storybook comes with lesser-known components for organizing colors, typography, and icons.


Display color systems with the ColorPalette component.

Storybook component library showing sample color-system documentation

Import "@storybook/blocks". Then render a ColorPalette with a single ColorIteminside.

import { ColorPalette, ColorItem } from "@storybook/blocks"
<ColorPalette>  <ColorItem /></ColorPalette>

Create an object with a key and color value. And pass it to the ColorItemcomponent via the color prop.

Both key and value are displayed in the UI.

<ColorItem colors={{ Apple: "#66bf3c" }} />

Describe ColorItems with title and subtitle props.

  subtitle="A delicious brand color."
  colors={{ Apple: "#66bf3c" }}

Add as many colors to the colors prop as needed.

  subtitle="A delicious brand color."
    Apple: "#66bf3c",
    AppleDark: "#46991f",
    AppleLight: "#83da5a"

Use any CSS-supported color value.
ColorItem adds gray cross-hatches to indicate translucency — where color functions with non-1 alpha values are used.

  subtitle="A delicious brand color."
    Apple: "rgba(102,191,60,1)",
    Apple60: "rgba(102,191,60,.6)",
    Apple30: "rgba(102,191,60,.3)",

See full ColorPalette API reference.


Display typography systems with the Typeset component.

Storybook component library showing sample typography documentation

Import the Typeset component from @storybook/blocks.

import { Typeset } from "@storybook/blocks";
<Typeset {/* required props */} />

Typeset requires four props to render: fontSizes, fontWeight, sampleText, and fontFamily.

fontSizes and fontWeight support any supported CSS value (and numbers).

  fontSizes={["2.875em", "2em", "1.375em", "1em"]}
  sampleText="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
  fontFamily='"Nunito Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif'

Create a new Typeset block for every discrete typographical subset.

## Code

  sampleText="let var = 'const';"
             Menlo, Monaco,
             "Cascadia Mono", "Segoe UI Mono",
             "Roboto Mono",
             "Oxygen Mono",
             "Ubuntu Monospace",
             "Source Code Pro",
             "Fira Mono",
             "Droid Sans Mono",
             "Courier New", monospace;'

See full Typeset API reference.


Display icons with the IconGallery component.

Storybook component library showing sample typography documentation

Import "@storybook/blocks". Then render a IconGallery with a single IconIteminside it.

import { IconGallery, IconItem } from "@storybook/blocks"
<IconGallery>  <IconItem></IconItem></IconGallery>

Place an icon inside IconItem. Then display that icon’s name with the name prop.

  import * as Icons from "@storybook/icons";

  <IconItem name="Accessibility">
    <Icons.Accessibility />

Take this further — in React — by dynamically generating all available icons.

## Storybook icons

    .filter(([name]) => name !== "iconList")
    .map(([name, Icon]) => (
      <IconItem name={name}>
        <Icon />

See full IconGallery API reference.

Learn more…

Find in-depth references for each component on the Storybook docs page and Chromatic YouTube channel.